Saturday, November 17, 2012


Virgil Hawkins
Virgil Hawkins 

Richie Foley
Virgil Hawkins is a boy who lost his mother has a sister and father living in Dakota. Virgil and his family has just been informed that there has been a virus what is known as the big bang that has been exposed making children called bang babies. Virgil and his friend Richie are the main superhero's in Dakota Virgil is a bang baby but a good bang baby he want to help those in Dakota,as for his friend Richie, Richie is technical genius who helps static have a better advantage with an enemy.

static shock(virgil)
Virgil is a boy who doesn't mean harm when it comes to the innocent but when it comes to the bad guys he has what he has to do to make the enemy stop hurting the innocents. Static shock and gear deal with a lot of people. They both have two lives, one day they are at school another they're out fighting crime.

Gear is superhero and the best friend static he's real name is Richie Osgood he is a technical who desperately wanted powers so he bumped into this old man who happens to be a bang baby who can give powers to other so Richie became very apologetic to the old man and shacked his hand when the old man shacked his hand he felt a strange static electric feeling in his fingertips then he looks at his hand for a while and looks up and sees that the old man disappears. 

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